Genesis Foods is set up to save automatically, every time you make an edit. The “Saving” indicator will appear at the top of the page during each save, for the length of the saving mode.
How long the program is in saving mode will vary depending on a variety of factors, primarily these three:
Your computer’s processor speed
Server traffic
Your internet connection
We recommend not moving between pages during a save.
You can use Ctrl+ S to save manually.
You can upload images for your Recipes and Ingredients by scrolling to the Images section. What you upload there will appear at the top of the page next to the file type, like so:
Images have to be 1 mb or less
There are various alerts throughout the program that will indicate potential non-compliance with current labeling regulations. The two you will see most often are for allergens and mandatory label nutrients.
Allergen Alert
For allergens, each time you change the Formulation of your Recipe, you will get a pop-up Allergen Alert.
Clicking Review Alert will take you to the Allergen section. You can review the allergens and dismiss the alert from there.
Nutrient Alert
For nutrients, a yellow alert will appear next to Nutrients under Quick Links on your Ingredient when you are missing mandatory labeling nutrients.