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Create an Ingredient

This Quick Start assumes you have gathered the information you need for creating an Ingredient, including a spec sheet, certificate of analysis or other documentation with the nutrition breakdown of your Ingredient.

Log in to Genesis Foods with your email and the password you received from your admin.

  1. Click Ingredients in the left-side navigation pane.

  2. Click the New Ingredient button.

  3. Enter a name for your Ingredient using the established naming best practices agreed on by your organization. Example: Vegetable, raw, sweet potato, 8”

  4. Enter an Alias, if necessary. An Alias is a shortened or more user-friendly version of your Ingredient’s name. Aliases will be used in the Ingredient Statement and on reports. Example: sweet potato

  5. Enter or select a tag. Tags can be used to simplify future searches. To enter a tag, start typing the name of the tags in the search space and either select the tag from the search returns OR type out the entire tag name and press Enter on your keyboard.

  6. Select a weight and unit of measure. Ninety-nine percent of the time, this will be 100 grams, but you should use whatever is on your spec sheet, certificate of analysis or other ingredient nutrient documentation.

  7. Select U.S. Label Nutrients Mandatory. This is the list of nutrients required on your U.S. Nutrition Facts. The U.S. Label Nutrient All list contains all mandatory and voluntary nutrients.

  8. Populate the nutrients with their values. Any Ingredients that will be used to build Recipes for eventual Label generation must have all mandatory nutrients populated. Notice that the %DV will be automatically calculated.

  9. Scroll to the Allergens section and click Edit Allergens.

  10. Add any Allergens found in this Ingredient. Add any “May contains” allergens if your Ingredient could be contaminated with Allergens during processing.

  11. When you have completed the above tasks, you will have an Ingredient that you can use to build a compliant Recipe and its Label. The remaining functions are not required for labeling and packaging, but now is a good time to familiarize yourself with them.

  12. When you have finalized your Ingredient, click Approve. Genesis Foods will save the ingredient in that state, and you will not be able to edit the Approved version If, however, you open this Approved Ingredient and make any changes to it, Genesis Foods will automatically create a new editable version and call it something like: “V1. Draft.”

Build a Recipe

Generate a LabelThe primary use of Genesis Foods is to generate regulatory-compliant Nutrition Facts labels for your food-product package. This is done in three steps:

  1. Creating an Ingredient by populating the Ingredient form with nutrient values

  2. Building a Recipe from the Ingredients you create

  3. Generating a Label from the Recipe

The Quick Start Guides will walk you through each of these steps. Going through all of them should take about 15 minutes in total. For more in-depth instruction, please see the individual chapters.

Create an Ingredient in 5 Minutes

Build a Recipe in 7 Minutes

Generate a Label in 3 Minutes