In this window, you can change the name of your Recipe, change your serving size (number of total servings or per-serving weight you entered when you created the Recipe) and associate a user code, Supplier or Product with your Recipe.
Naming & Sizing a Recipe
You must name your Recipe and decide on a serving size before the program will allow you to continue. You can modify both name and Serving Size later, if so desired.
- Type a name in the Name box.
- Select either serving size or serving weight by clicking the corresponding radio button.
- Type an appropriate value.
- Click Finish.
Other options available from this screenCommon name - The Common Name is generally a shortened version of a longer Item Name You can choose (in Preferences) to display the Common Name instead of the Item Name in your Reports. User code - You can use this field to store an original, specific user code for your recipe. Later, when adding this recipe to a foodlist, you will be able to search for it by its code. Supplier - If your information comes from a supplier, you may wish to associate the supplier with the recipe to further simplify future searches. Product - You may choose to associate a Product name with your recipe for organization and/or ease of future searches. Serving Size Volume - Use this field to enter the correct volume-to-weight conversion. Later, you can choose either volume (ml) or weight (g) for the label serving size display. |
Note: ESHA code, creation date and modified date are automatically filled in by the program. The ESHA code only applies to foods already in the program’s database.