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Single word search
Enter one word to find all items that have that word in the name.
Multiple word search
Enter two or more words to find all items that have all the words in the name. The words can appear anywhere in the name and in any order.
Enclosing the words in quotation marks will find all items that contain that exact phrase. Example, entering "Fried Chicken" will find all items that contain "Fried Chicken," but NOT 'Chicken, Fried' or 'Fried Potatoes and Chicken.'
Type in a partial word followed by an asterisk (*). The results will include any item beginning with the partial word. For example, if you type in "mil*" you will get millet, milk, etc.
NOT or - (minus) search
Image Added
The search will eliminate items that contain the term after NOT or -. For example, searching for "Chocolate NOT milk" will return items with chocolate but not milk in the name.
OR search
Typing OR between search terms will give you a search list with either of those terms in the name. For example, typing "chocolate OR milk" will give you all items with chocolate in their name and all items with milk in the name.
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