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Info |
Log in to Genesis Foods.
On the Dashboard, click New Ingredient.
This will take you to the Ingredient page. From here, you can complete all the tasks required for creating an Ingredient and access other, nonessential, features.
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For your Ingredient to be used in a Recipe, it must have a name. It should also have the correct nutrients and allergens. Everything else is optional. |
Naming Your Ingredient
Your organization will likely have established best practices for naming that you should use. If not, we recommend that you agree on a naming system before you get started using Genesis Foods.
To name your Ingredient
Type the name of your Ingredient in the Name text field. The Name entry can accommodate letters and numbers. Example: Vegetable, raw, sweet potato, 8”
The name will also appear in the header.
To clear out the name text
Click the round X icon.
To change the name
Type a new name in the Name field.
An Alias is an optional shortened or more user-friendly version of your Ingredient’s name. You will be able to select from the Aliases entered here when creating your ingredient statement. You can enter as many Aliases as you want for your Ingredient.
For example, if the name of your Ingredient is something like Fruit, Apple, Fuji, medium, with peel, your Aliases might be something like Fuji apple or just apple.
To enter an Alias
Type any alphanumeric combination in the text field
Press Enter on the keyboard
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for additional aliases
Aliases will appear as pills in the order they were created.
To delete an Alias
Click the round X icon on the pill
Organizing and Searching - Tags, Supplier, Product
The Tags, Product and Supplier fields can be used to make searching for your Recipe easier. This is especially important if you have a lot of Recipe or Ingredient records.
You can associate a tag to an Ingredient to narrow future searches, which will help you organize your work.
To select a tag for your Ingredient
Click in the Tags field. You will see a list of available tags.
You can also type in the search box to narrow this list.
Click a tag to add it to your Ingredient.
You can do this for as many tags as you’d like. You will be able to use these tags in future searches.
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Note: Many tags have been pre-populated for you. You can add to the list of available tags on the Options page. |
To remove a tag from your Ingredient
Click the round X icon.
Supplier and Product
You can associate a product and/or a supplier to your Ingredient for organization purposed or to simplify future searches.
Click in the Product or Supplier field
Use the type-ahead search to find a Product or Supplier
Click a Product or Supplier to add it to your Ingredient.
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Note: You can add additional Products or Suppliers the the program from the Options page. |
Weight & Conversions
This is the weight of the ingredient for which you will enter nutrient amounts. Ninety-nine percent of the time, this will be 100 grams, but you should use whatever is on your spec sheet, certificate of analysis or other ingredient nutrient documentation. 100 grams has been pre-populated for you.
To enter a weight
Type in the weight amount and select the unit.
Volume Conversion
If your product is a liquid product, and especially if you want to generate a nutrition facts label for it, you will want to enter a volume conversion for it. Remember, you entered the nutrients per their weight, so in order for Genesis Foods to understand this product as a liquid, you have to manually enter the weight to liquid conversion. You will only have to do this for one unit. Genesis Foods can use that unit to calculate other liquid units.
To add a Volume Conversion
Click the plus icon
Enter the volume conversion amount by typing in a quantity and selecting a volume measure
Enter the weight for the corresponding amount
Click Apply.
You can only enter — and will only need to enter — one volume conversion.
Unit Conversion
Since the Ingredient nutrient data is added by weight, you might want to add more user-friendly household measures (like cup, slice, serving, etc.) to your Ingredient. Later, you can use those amounts when formulating your Recipe. In order to correctly add a conversion, you must know the weight of that conversion amount.
To add a Unit Conversion
Click the plus icon
Enter the conversion amount by typing in a quantity and selecting a household measure
Enter the weight for the corresponding amount
Click Apply.
You can add other unit conversions in the same manner. Genesis will also scale the units appropriately for common measures such as teaspoon (will scale to tablespoon, cup, etc.).
Here is where you will populate the nutrient data for your Ingredient. Enter as much information as you have. You can enter data for all nutrients tracked by Genesis Foods or enter nutrients for one or more of the compiled lists.
To enter Nutrients
Choose your list of nutrients. These are premade sets of nutrients you can enter data for. You can create your own list of nutrients on the Options page.
From the Show %DV for menu, choose which recommendation profile you want to show the %DV for. Most of the time, this will be Adult.
Populate the nutrient values. You can enter the quantitative value or the %DV per the recommendation profile you have selected. When you enter a nutrient value, that nutrient’s %DV will be automatically calculated for the recommendation you have selected and vice versa.
If you have selected one of the longer lists, you can use the type-ahead search to find specific nutrients.
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The nutrients are listed in the order they will appear on your Label. If you have a longer list, the nutrients are listed by Label order followed by category. |
Note |
A yellow warning sign will appear next to the Nutrients Quick Link if you have not populated the mandatory nutrients for your label. |
Nutrient List
Select from the existing lists which nutrients you want to populate for this Ingredient. We recommend at least populating the nutrients that are mandatory on your label. For the U.S., this is “Label - US 2016 Mandatory.” Other lists are included, and you can create your own on the Options screen under Nutrients to View.
An Attribute is any property of a food item you want to track in order to comply with mandatory labeling laws (bioengineered material, for example), or for voluntary packaging claims and/or marketing purposes (vegan, gluten-free, etc.).
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Attributes at the Recipe level depend on one of two rules:
Because the rules are applied at the Recipe level and depend on the Ingredient attributes, we recommend that you take the time to carefully assign Attributes to your Ingredients if you are planning on using Attributes on your packaging. |
To add an existing Attribute to your Ingredient
Select from the combo menu
The Sub-ingredient entry is primarily used when a supplier does not give you the full breakdown of an Ingredient that is made up of other ingredients (but isn’t necessarily a Recipe), and you want to show the sub-ingredients on your label – either for compliance or customer information purposes. A good example of this is Aged Parmesan. The COA mentions that it’s made up of Cultured Milk, Salt, and Enzymes, but does not tell you the exact amounts of each.
Sub-ingredient Entry
To Enter a Sub-Ingredient
Click Edit Sub-ingredients
Type in or paste the sub-ingredients. You can either use a line break or a pipe symbol ( | ) to separate the items. Like so:
Click Add Sub-ingredients and you will see a preview and a table where you can make more modifications.
To delete a Sub-ingredient
click the trashcan icon in the list
This is where you set the percentage of each sub-ingredient. Genesis Foods will use what you enter here to estimate a weight amount for the Ingredient Statement calculations when this Ingredient is added to a Recipe and, if the Sub-ingredient has the same spelling as an Ingredient in the Recipe, Genesis can merge the two.
For example, if this Ingredient is added to a Recipe that also has “salt” as an Ingredient, Genesis can merge the two salt instances and display “salt” correctly, by weight, in the Ingredient Statement.
To set percentages
Click on the 0 in the Percentage of Ingredient column
Type in the amount. The total will appear in red if it is anything other than 100%
Supplemental Text
The supplemental text is anything you want to appear in parenthesis next to the sub-ingredient. This could be something like “*to add freshness” or whatever is appropriate.
To add Supplemental Text
Click the down arrow
Type in the text. Anything added will appear in the preview and an ST icon will indicate when a sub-ingredient has supplemental text.
You can also drag the sub-ingredients to different positions.
When you have completed your modifications, click Return to Ingredient. Your sub-ingredients will appear in the Sub-ingredient preview:
Sub-ingredients in the Ingredient Statement
When you are polishing your Ingredient Statement, you can opt to merge like ingredients. In this example, salt is both an Ingredient and a Sub-ingredient:
If you select Merged, Genesis Foods will merge the two salts and list the total salt by weight:
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Not correctly declaring an allergen on your package can have serious regulatory, financial and consumer-health consequences. As such, Genesis Foods includes a variety of allergen declaration safeguards. |
Not Present
All of the allergens are initially in the Not Present bucket. When you have determined that your product contains an allergen, you should move it to the Contains bucket.
To move an allergen from the Not Present bucket to the Contains, do one of the following:
Click the left arrow. This will move the allergen to the May Contain bucket. Click the left arrow again to move the allergen to the Contains bucket.
Drag and drop by clicking and holding the drag icon
Notice that when you move an allergen to the Contains bucket, an alert appears. This is because the regulations require you to display the specific type or species for certain allergens — fish, shellfish and tree nuts.
To display a specific type or species
Click the link.
From the list, select the specific type or species. Use the type-ahead to narrow the selections.
Once you have selected the species, the alert will disappear and the species or type will appear in the Contains Preview in alphabetical order.
May Contain
The May Contain bucket lets you declare allergens that could be present in your food due to processing or other reasons. You are not required to declare these allergens, but if you do, you must also declare the specific type or species of fish, shellfish or tree nuts.
To move an allergen from the Not Present to the May Contain bucket, do one of the following:
Click the left arrow
Drag and drop
To move an allergen from the Contains or Many Contain bucket back to the Not Present bucket, do one of the following:
Click the right arrow
Drag and drop
Any allergens in the May Contain bucket will appear in the Allergen Statement May Contain preview. Remember, shellfish, fish and tree nuts must display the specific type or species in the May Contain statement as well.
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Once you have set up your Contains (and/or May Contain) statement, you can copy either or both statements to the clipboard as plain text using the copy icon.
Allergen Verifications
New Ingredient
When you first create an Ingredient, you will see two Allergen verification alerts:
One at the top of the page
One at the top of the Allergen section
You will not be able to approve this Ingredient until you have verified the allergens.
To verify the Allergens
Double-check that the Containa, May Contain and Not Present allergens are in their correct buckets
Click the I verify… button.
Once you do so, the alert at the top of the page will disappear, the Allergen section alert will turn green and you will be able to approve your Ingredient.
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Note: If you move an Allergen from one bucket to another, the allerts will reappear and you will have to verity the Allergens again. |
Notes, Images, Attachments and Custom Fields
By completing the above tasks, you now have an Ingredient you can use to build a Recipe and its compliant Label. The remaining functions — Notes, Images, Attachments and Custom Fields — are not required for labeling and packaging, but are here to help you customize and organize your foods.
Anything you want to add to this Ingredient that there isn’t an existing field for can go here. It is a simple text-entry field. The date and login name will be automatically recorded.
The image you upload here will appear at the top of the Ingredient page in the circle.
You can attach any type of document to this Ingredient, including (and we recommend this) your spec sheet or COA.
Custom Fields
You can associate up to three Custom Fields with your work and pin them to the top of your page. The Custom Fields will appear regardless of what you’re currently working on. You can only add a Custom Field to the program on the Options page.
Nutrient Spec Sheet Report
The Nutrient Spec Sheet report shows you the total nutrient content of your Ingredient, broken down by nutrient. This report gives you a quick look at the overall nutrient picture and is often used to share that data with others.
You can also:
Select which nutrients should appear on the report
Choose to display nutrient amounts per serving, per Xg or both
Choose to display the Ingredient name or any of its aliases.
Show/hide various branding elements
Select which nutrients to display
Go to Nutrients to View
Click the down arrow to open the menu
Click the list of nutrients you want to appear in this report
Info |
You can create your own list of nutrients by going to the Display Options page. |
Display the nutrients per serving or per 100g (or another gram amount)
Go to Report Measures
Select Per Serving, Per 100g or show both
(Optional) Change gram weight by typing a new value. Genesis will recalculate accordingly
Change how the Recipe name appears
Go to Name/Alias
Select from one of the available aliases. The name will reflect that change.
Info |
If you have not created an alias for this Ingredient, none will appear. |
You can customize your report with a logo, signature and other elements.
Foot/Comment text will appear at the bottom of your report. You can use this space to add any pertinent information like an address or any necessary commenting.
Click Template
Select Footer/Comment
Type or paste text here
(Optional) Make the text large
(Optional) Bold or italicize the text
Logo & Signature is where you will upload images. The logo image will appear at the top of the report. The signature image will appear at the bottom, above the footer/comment.
Select Template
Click Logo & Signature
Upload a logo image
Upload a signature image
When you have finished, click Apply & Close
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To remove the footer/comment and signature from the report, you have to return to the template dialog and select Delete. |
To show/hide the logo
Go to Show/Hide
Check or uncheck Logo. This is also how you show/hide the date and the Recipe image if you have uploaded one.
Audit Trail Report
The Audit Trail Report shows who made changes, when they were made and what section the changes involved.
To Download the Audit Trail Report
Click Export
Navigate to where you want to save this report
CLick Save.
The report will be saved as a CSV file and can be opened in spreadsheet editors, like MS Excel.
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Note: This Report cannot be modified and the Audit Trail is automatic. |
Once you have finalized your Ingredient, you can click Approve. Genesis Foods will save the Ingredient in that state, and you will not be able to edit the Approved version. If, however, you open this Approved Ingredient and make any changes to it, Genesis Foods will automatically create a new editable version and call it something like: “V1. Draft.”
You can approve an Ingredient in any state as long as it has a name.
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In order to approve a Recipe, all of its Ingredients must also have been approved. |
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