GenesisĀ® Foods comes with a research-quality database of more than 85,000 food items, including raw ingredients, recipes, processing items like colors and additives and more.
We source research and compile our nutrient data from over 2,000 reputable sources, such as the latest USDA Standard Reference database, manufacturer's data, restaurant data, and data from literaturefood databases, manufacturers, restaurants, literature and many other reputable sources, and run this data through a series of mathematical checks to ensure accuracy.
In addition, we provide several calculated fields, such as the percent calories from fat and niacin equivalents. We also group foods into detailed food categories and add diabetic exchange and MyPlate food group information to database items. Mathematical checks are run on the nutrient information database before each update release to ensure data accuracy and integrity.
Reliability of Data
There can be many different nutrient values for a given food. Various factors influence the amounts of nutrients in foods. Among these are the mineral content of the soil, diet of an animal, fertilizers or growth hormones used, genetics of the plant or animal, season of harvest, and processing method. Additional factors include the methods of analysis, differences in moisture content of samples, length and method of sample storage, number of samples tested, and varying methods of cooking or preparing the food. As a result, even reliable sources will report different nutrient values for the same food item. When the USDA reports a single value for a nutrient, that value is usually the average of a range of data. In their more detailed reports, the number of samples and standard deviation of the data are noted.