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Log in to Genesis Foods with your email and the password you received from your admin.
On the Dashboard, click New Ingredient.
Names & Tags
Enter a Type the name for of your Ingredient in the Name text field using the established naming best practices agreed on by your organization. The Name entry can accommodate letters and numbers. Example: Vegetable, raw, sweet potato, 8”
Optional: Enter an Alias by typing any alphanumeric combination in the text boxfield. An Alias is a shortened or more user-friendly version of your Ingredient’s name. Aliases will be used in the Ingredient Statement and on reports. Example: Cauliflower Rice w/Veggies
Optional: Select from the available existing tags:
Click in the Tags field
Enter search terms by typing on top of Search for a tag
Click a tag to add it to your Recipe.
This is the weight of the ingredient for which you will enter the nutrient amounts. Ninety-nine percent of the time, this will be 100 grams, but you should use whatever is on your spec sheet, certificate of analysis or other ingredient nutrient documentation. 100 grams has been pre-populated for you.
To enter a weight and unit of measure, type in the Weight amount and select the Unit.
Select U.S. Label Nutrients Mandatory or U.S. Label Nutrients All. U.S. Label Nutrients Mandatory is the list of 15 nutrients required on your U.S. Nutrition Facts. The U.S. Label Nutrient All list contains all mandatory and voluntary nutrients and is a much longer list. However, if you will be using any voluntary nutrients on your Label, you should definitely use this list.
Populate the nutrients with their nutrient values. If you have selected the U.S. Label Nutrients All list, it’s helpful to use the search to find the individual nutrients you wish to populate. Note: The nutrients are listed in the order they will appear on your Label. When you enter a nutrient value, that nutrient’s %DV will be automatically calculated for the recommendation you have selected.
If you want to add common household or other non-weight measures (for both liquids and solids), you would do that under Unit Conversions
Unit Conversion
Click Add Unit Conversion
Enter the quantity and the household measure
Enter the equivalent amount per gram weight.
Click Save.
Note to Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated): This needs fleshed out when the UI is done.
Your tasks are to (a) remove any allergens not in your Ingredient, (b) select the appropriate type or species when necessary and (c) decide if you want to declare the possibility of allergens that may have contaminated the food during processing.
Scroll to the Allergens section and click Edit Allergens.
Add any Allergens you know are present in this Ingredient. You can also declare any “May contains” allergens if your Ingredient could be contaminated with Allergens during processing.
Notes, Images, Attachments and Custom Fields